Weather in Abu Dhabi

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Abu Dhabi
       Weather in Abu Dhabi

      Abu Dhabi

      Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and is located in the Arabian Gulf. The city has a very hot and dry climate with not much chance of rain. UV rays are very high, so make sure to pack enough sun cream and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. With its hot desert climate and balmy temperatures, the best time to go to Abu Dhabi is when the weather is much cooler. Spring is pleasant, with temperatures reaching around 33°C. If that’s still too warm for you, travel in winter for average temperatures of 18°C and highs of 24°C. If you don’t mind the heat and want to see as much sunshine as possible, the best time to visit Abu Dhabi is between July and August. Temperatures soar to 42°C during the day and lower to a more comfortable 28°C at night. The Persian Gulf is very warm and ideal for swimming. The average sea temperature is 32°C in the summer, which is great when you want to cool down from the intense afternoon heat.

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