Nassau - currency

The official currency in Nassau, and the entire Bahamas, is the Bahamian dollar (BSD).

To avoid any confusion with other dollar-denominated currencies, you’ll sometimes see it written as $B, though in practice, the Bahamian dollar is closely tied to the US dollar.

Both currencies are widely accepted across Nassau and the islands, making it easy to use US dollars in most shops, restaurants, and businesses. In fact, US dollars are often preferred and can even help in negotiations, especially at local markets like the Straw Market.

It’s worth noting that getting Bahamian dollars in the UK can be a bit of a challenge — your best bet is to bring US dollars with you. If you end up with Bahamian dollars at the end of your trip, try to spend them while you're still in the Bahamas, as exchanging them back home is usually not feasible

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