San Diego - currency

The currency in San Diego is the US Dollar.

You won’t have much trouble getting hold of US dollars before you fly! We always advise ordering some before your trip due to America’s tipping culture as you’ll likely need cash before you hit the resort, usually to tip your driver. You can pick them up from your local Post Office or order online and get them delivered straight to your doorstep, saving you hassle when you’re in the midst of packing. 

If you run out of time, don’t worry! You’ll find plenty of exchange desks when you get there, but the rate may be a little higher than back home. Another option is withdrawing cash from an ATM - just watch out for any hidden charges. Of course, cards are also widely used in the US but it might be a good idea to let your bank know if you plan on using your card abroad so they can give you all the info before your holiday. 

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